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MCC meet on CRZ notification draws flak

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The Deccan Herald  03.11.2010

MCC meet on CRZ notification draws flak

Mangalore, Nov 2, DH News Service:

Corporators of the wards likely to be affected by Draft Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ) Notification- 2010 decided to form a committee and hold a meeting on Thursday to discuss in detail the effects and necessary changes to be recommended to the Draft Notification.

Approximately 12 wards from Kannur, Bajal, Kunjathbail area and 10 wards from Surathkal side are likely to be affected by the notification.

A presentation on Draft CRZ Notification-2010 was held at Mangalore City Corporation on Tuesday to collect recommendations and suggestions from the members. The accumulated recommendations will be sent to Ministry of Environment and Forest (MoEF) by November 15.

The members of the Corporation unanimously decided that entire Mangalore City Corporation should be brought under CRZ-II, which is defined as ‘developed area’ in the notification. However, there is ambiguity with regard to the same as the Draft also talks of this Zone to be characterised by ‘considerably built-up area’.

The old notification states that developmental works can be taken up on the landward side of any old road or building built prior to 1991 in CRZ-II. The developmental works can be taken up only if it is in compliance with the existing Town Planning rule.

Members said that this can create problems in future as the Zonal Regulation map has been already approved by the Government and due to this Draft Notification, the map may undergo changes.

The notification makes Environmental Impact Assessment Report mandatory for construction of any structure even as flood control measure in CRZ areas. MCC members took exception to this point and said that this compulsion must be scrapped off as the implementation of urgent works will take long time due to this.

Earlier, Fisheries Assistant Director and Regional Director (Environment) Mahesh presented a talk on CRZ Draft notification-1991, 2010.


While the meeting was organised to discuss the necessary changes to be made to the notification, the participation level at the council hall was disheartening. Only few councillors and couple of officials were present in the hall. Mayor Rajani Dugganna had to attend a ‘ribbon cutting’ programme and Municipal Commissioner Dr K N Vijayprakash is on leave. Joint Commissioner is also out of station.

Only Deputy Mayor Rajendra was seated on the dais smugly waiting for the Mayor to join him after her prior commitments.

On reaching the venue, Dugganna who sat on the dais and chatted for a while with the Deputy Mayor without paying any attention to the ongoing presentation, soon sought permission from the house to leave the hall, citing reason of death of one of her acquaintances. The important presentation, which was scheduled to be held at 11 am, started only after 11.45 am. The presenter Fisheries Assistant Director and Regional Director (Environment) Mahesh and his colleagues were seen waiting in the venue on time for the ‘dignitaries’.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 03 November 2010 06:17