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Latecomers at BBMP offices taken to task

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The Deccan Herald  03.12.2010

Latecomers at BBMP offices taken to task

Bangalore, December 2, DHNS :

Believe it or not, since February 2008, none of the BBMP staff at Mayo Hall came late for work, at least on records. But on Thursday, an inspection disclosed that 90 per cent of the officials did not show up on time.

The startling fact came to light when the BBMP standing committee on establishment and administrative reforms inspected the offices.

The Committee members led by chairperson Lakshmikanth Reddy visited the Palike offices at Mayo Hall and Utility Building to inspect the working style of the staff. The first destination, Mayo Hall, itself made them sit up and take notice.

Attendance registers were empty and a late attendance register was gathering dust since February 22, 2008. Employees leisurely walked into the office. They were late by an hour or more. Group-D employees did not feel the need to come in uniform.

“There is utter chaos. We will ensure that this way of working does not continue anymore,” said Reddy. The committee members then took the latecomers to task.

Later, they visited the Birth and Death Registration unit at the Utility Building and found touts ruling the roost while the people in need were running from pillar to post.
“It looks like the birth and death registration office at Utility Building is run by touts.

We met a few women who have been running around for the last three months to get death certificates. They were asked to approach touts to get their work done,” said Reddy.

He admonished the officials to mend their ways or face action.

Last Updated on Friday, 03 December 2010 06:10