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Revoke Corporation official’s transfer: Council

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The Hindu    31.07.2012

Revoke Corporation official’s transfer: Council

Staff Reporter

 A meeting of the city Corporation Council, on Monday, called upon the State to revoke the transfer of Corporation Health Supervisor P. Gopinathan.

It is alleged that Mr. Gopinathan was slapped with a punishment transfer for heading raids against eateries in the city. During such raids last week, huge quantities of food unfit for consumption were seized from several restaurants.

Mayor Prasanna Earnest told the Council that she had contacted the office of the Minister concerned and even sent a fax message requesting that the transfer be revoked, but there had been no reply.

Taxes standing committee chairman N. Noushad said the transfer order would erode the morale of officers with integrity. It would also encourage eateries to serve stale food to customers.

The transfer order comes at a time when the Corporation has been urging the government to fill the post of Corporation Health Officer, which has been lying vacant for long.