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HUDA sealed eleven more borewells in Gurgaon

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The Times of India    18.08.2012

HUDA sealed eleven more borewells in Gurgaon

GURGAON: The Haryana Urban Development Authority (HUDA) sealed 11 borewells in different parts of the city on Friday.

The sealing drive took place in Sector 37 where the HUDA team landed in the morning. A HUDA official said that the plot owners knew about the sealing drive, which went off without any hitch.

The plot owners were asked to submit an affidavit pledging not to deseal the borewell in future. The drive against the illegal borewells is likely to gather more pace now since the next date of hearing is scheduled on August 21 in Punjab and Haryana high court. The district administration, along with HUDA, has sealed more than 50 borewells in different parts of the city.

A senior HUDA official said: "The sealing of borewells needs to be more stringent because there have been instance that the sealed borewells are being used by the owners." After being pulled up by the high court the district administration swung into action and went after the illegal borewells in the city. According to a conservative estimate, the city has over 20,000 illegal borewells.

Meanwhile, the department of town and country planning has found 37 more illegal borewells in the colonizer's area.
Earlier, several teams of the TCP department had collected data in builder's area and had discovered the existence of 165 illegal borewells. Officias said that the list has been updated and sent to the headquarter in Chandigarh.
Last Updated on Saturday, 18 August 2012 07:11