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Directives on mobile towers

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The Hindu                              19.02.2013

Directives on mobile towers

Staff Reporter 

In the backdrop of studies indicating a possible health hazard on account of the exposure to electromagnetic radiations from mobile phone towers, the Directorate of Municipal Administration has instructed deputy commissioners to ensure that the guidelines stipulated by the Department of Telecommunication are strictly followed.

In a press release here, the Commissioner, Directorate of Municipal Administration, said mobile towers should not be installed on the premises of schools, colleges and hospitals. Prior permission should be obtained from local bodies, planning authorities, government departments, and the Pollution Control Board before installation.

Telecom companies should adhere to the maximum permitted radiation levels fixed by the government and install the towers at a suitable distance away from the buildings and also at a considerable height from the ceiling of the nearby buildings. The permission of land owners is mandatory too.

Deputy commissioners have been told to ensure that the guidelines are followed and if there are any violations, they should ensure that the towers are shifted.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 19 February 2013 09:35