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VMC opposition councillor demands inquiry into drainage works

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The Times of India                       13.03.2013 

VMC opposition councillor demands inquiry into drainage works

VADODARA: A councillor from the opposition Congress in the Vadodara Municipal Corporation (VMC) has sought an inquiry in the work of a sewage pumping station with a pressure line being conducted in his area.

Congress councillor Balasaheb Surve shot a letter to the VMC commissioner stating that the work of the sewage pumping station near the Deepak open air theatre and that of the pressure pipeline in the Madanjhampa-Bakrawadi areas had been opposed earlier by citizens as well as elected representatives. Surve said that despite this the work was taken up by the corporation.

Surve pointed out that the contractor was registered with the water supply department of the VMC and not the drainage department. Surve has added that the contractor was awarded a work of Rs 6.5 crore despite the fact that he was not qualified as per norms to do so.

Surve alleged that the contractor had quoted high rates for the pipeline to be used for the work and the work was awarded to him at rates much higher than the estimates prepared by the civic body. Surve has claimed that the standard procedure of laying the pipelines on a bed of sand was also not being followed. He has demanded a vigilance inquiry in the matter.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 13 March 2013 10:39