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Corporation Council dumps request for bar licences

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The Hindu                      15.03.2013

Corporation Council dumps request for bar licences

Spirited protests:MSF workers trying to break the police cordon in front of Kozhikode Corporation on Thursday.— Photo: K. Ragesh
Spirited protests:MSF workers trying to break the police cordon in front of Kozhikode Corporation on Thursday.— Photo: K. Ragesh.
The NoCs were to be awarded to two three-star hotels in Kozhikode city.

The City Corporation Council on Thursday unanimously rejected the application for No Objection Certificates (NOC) for two bar licenses to be awarded to two three-star hotels in the city.

The proposal was part of the supplementary agenda in a previous council and part of the main agenda in the meeting on February 28. It was postponed following protests from the Opposition.

The council meeting was held amidst protests outside the hall by activists of Madhya Nirodhana Samithi, Youth League, Socialist Democratic Party of India, and Welfare Party. The protests were against allegations of corruption against councillors and the awarding of bar licenses. Police removed the activists who tried to barge into the council hall, and the meeting continued behind locked doors.

The council floor leader, M. Mohanan of the CPI (M), said there was no need for the council to take a decision on bar licenses.

“The State government passed the burden of awarding licenses to the local self government bodies. However, there is no clarity on the procedures. So it is best for the Corporation not to take any decision on the same,” said Mr. Mohanan.

The Indian Union Muslim League (IUML) leader, K. Mohammed Ali, responded by saying that the ruling party was trying to shift its responsibilities by blaming the State government, and accused it of having an unholy nexus with the ‘spirit lobby’.

The accusation led to unruly scenes, following which the council rejected the two items in the agenda unanimously.

Earlier, an adjournment motion was moved by CPI (M) Councillor C.P. Musafir Ahmed demanding the State government to take strict action against the police officers involved in the police check for two-wheeler riders without helmet that led to the death of two youths at the Thiruvannur bypass in an accident on Saturday.

The Opposition members raised a cry of protest alleging that Mayor A.K. Premajam had rejected an adjournment motion moved by the IUML Councillor A.V. Anwar, in whose ward the incident occurred.

However, the Mayor said the motion moved by Anwar demands only the implementation of the report by Ilangovan Committee, which was constituted to enquire into the Panniyankara issue.

The motion was put to vote and passed with 38 votes against 33.