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DDA clarifies on liberalised conversion policy

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The Hindu                    09.04.2013

DDA clarifies on liberalised conversion policy

Staff Reporter

From September 2, 2001, to October 10, 2011, conversion date will be only on the basis of registered GPA, AS.

The Delhi Development Authority on Monday clarified certain doubts that citizens had regarding the liberalised policy of conversion, announced this past week by the Union Ministry of Urban Development, that will spell relief for people who sold/purchased their DDA flats on freehold basis using General Power of Attorney (GPA) and Agreement to Sell (AS).

The DDA said the execution of Conveyance Deed of flats disposed of on freehold basis from April 1, 1992, onwards will be allowed by DDA on the basis of un-registered GPA and AS executed during the period from April 1, 1992, to September 23, 2001.

From September 2, 2001, until October 10, 2011, the date of conversion will be allowed only on the basis of registered General Power of Attorney and Agreement to Sell. However, in both such conversions, surcharge of 66.66 per cent, in addition to conversion charges as applicable on the date of submission of application, will be charged.

In case of flats initially allotted on hire-purchase basis from April 1, 1992, conversion into freehold/execution of Conveyance Deed will be allowed on the above given terms and conditions only if the applicant clears all dues such as instalments, interest charges and penalty, if any.

From 1992 onwards, DDA had allotted flats on freehold basis but before execution of the Conveyance Deed in the name of the original allottee, many allottees had sold these flats on GPA and AS basis.

“There are thousands of cases of this nature pending with DDA as conversion for flats disposed of on free-hold basis was not being allowed. All these allottees will now, with the announcement of liberalisation of policy, be able to get flats converted in the name of GPA and AS holders but from 2001 such GPA and AS have to be registered. This has been necessitated as orders in this direction have been issued by the Delhi Government,” a DDA statement said.

The housing agency said the application brochure which the applicants can use has not been changed from the past as there is no change in the conversion scheme, except that it has been further liberalised facilitating conversion of flats allotted on freehold basis.

The applicants can find all details of the policy and conversion charges and surcharge on conversion charges in the brochure. The applicants can also apply online on the DDA website and the details of the procedure for online submission of application have also been provided there. Those seeking further clarification can approach the Director [Housing]-I, who sits in Vikas Sadan, DDA said.