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Stray cattle to be sent to sheds at Barsana

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The Indian Express                19.04.2013

Stray cattle to be sent to sheds at Barsana

The delegation of the Municipal Corporation comprising the Mayor, councillors and officials that visited the cow sheds at Barsana and Vrindavan have decided to send stray cattle to Barsana. The delegation returned on Thursday impressed with the facilities at Barsana.

Mayor Subhash Chawla said that the cow shed at Barsana was spread over an area of 50 acres and another 50 acres has been bought for the purpose. The cow shed has a variety of machines and a veterinary hospital is under construction. At present, around 22,000 stray animals are being maintained at the cow shed.

Meanwhile, the family of the victim who died after being hit by stray cattle met the UT Advisor, seeking a job for his wife.