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Ensure timely water supply, corporators urge civic chief

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The Times of India               19.04.2013

Ensure timely water supply, corporators urge civic chief

NAGPUR: A delegation of five corporators, on Thursday, met the municipal commissioner ShyamWardhane and urged him to direct the water works department and private firm Orange City Water (OCW) to abide by the time schedule fixed for water supply in their respective wards.

Senior BSP corporator Kishore Gajbhiye along with corporators Sheela Tarale, Vasudeorav Dhoke, Satyabhama Lokhande and Ajay Dange informed Wardhane that the localities receiving water from Wanjari Nagar overhead tank are facing a lot of hardship due to erratic water supply.

"For past many days, erratic water supply in ward numbers 57, 58, 59, 64 and 65 is making life miserable for the residents. The situation is so grave that many have temporarily shifted to the homes of their relatives in other areas," said Gajbhiye.

Even the private firm OCW has shown a lackadaisical attitude towards maintaining the water supply system of NMC, they claimed. They added that the present situation shows that the firm had not prepared itself to tackle the water problems that arise during summer season.

He pointed out that the Wanjari Nagar ESR gets water from Raj Bhavan tank and in the recent past the water works department had taken direct connections from the pipeline. However, to ensure water supply on time, the mayor had issued directives to the WWD to follow a time table.

"But the WWD officials have ignored the mayor's directives," said the corporators, while speaking to TOI.
Last Updated on Friday, 19 April 2013 11:19