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Target: 6,000 RWH structures

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The Hindu                25.04.2013

Target: 6,000 RWH structures

Special Correspondent

The GHMC has made it mandatory to build rain water harvesting structures in plots of 300 sq.mts and above for all the new constructions. It is also ready to provide technical knowhow and fund up to 70 per cent of the cost for these structures for the residential welfare colonies including apartment complexes, said Commissioner M.T. Krishna Babu.

“We request all the residential welfare associations and voluntary bodies to contact the deputy commissioners of the municipal circles concerned for taking up the rain water harvesting structures,” he said, in an informal chat with presspersons on Wednesday.

The civic body has set a target of 6,000 odd rain water harvesting structures in the public places, open lands and parks for the year as against 3,547 constructed last year. It has also roped in the Hyderabad Central University (HCU) for sensitising the local population around the campus to take up the structures and already 24 colonies have build them with the help of the students.

The Commissioner has also written to the engineering colleges in and around the twin cities seeking the help of their respective civil engineering students for campaigning and also aid in constructing the rain water harvesting structures.

Mr. Krishna Babu also stated that it was also made compulsory for power bores drilled by the civic body to have a rain water harvesting structure attached as one-third of the new wells drilled so far this year got dried.