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MC fines 350 in 10 days for water wastage

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The Indian Express                25.04.2013

MC fines 350 in 10 days for water wastage


The Municipal Corporation has fined around 350 people since a special drive was initiated 10 days ago to check water wastage. The city residents are being fined for washing cars and courtyards with a hosepipe, watering of lawns as well as overflowing overhead tanks or leakages.

A total of 14 teams of the MC, headed by a sub-divisional engineer, are conducting checks at different sectors between 6.30 am and 8.30.

The drive was started on April 15 and will go on till June 30. On average, 30 to 40 people are being fined Rs 2,000 for wasting water.

Earlier, the civic body used to issue a notice for the first offence and impose a fine of Rs 500 for the second offence. In case the resident defaulted again, the water supply could be disconnected. However, this was rarely done.

In order to ensure that the fine acts as a deterrent, the amount was increased to Rs 2,000, in 2012.

During summers, the demand for water increases while the supply remains the same. In order to ensure that water pressure is not affected due to wastage and residents on the upper storeys also get adequate supply, there is a ban on some activities in the morning hours.

Meanwhile, the MC is also carrying on with its drive to disconnect water supply at places where pending bills have not been paid.

Almost 40 connections — residential as well as commercial — are being disconnected by five teams of MC everyday.

Owing to the drive, pending bills worth around Rs 95 lakh have been collected.

Officials state that since it is difficult to sustain without water even for a day the defaulters are coming forward to clear their dues. "At places where meters are disconnected people have no option but to pay the complete amount. The others who figure in the defaulters list have also started paying bills or asking for permission to pay it in installments," an official said.