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Water board may get wider powers

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The New Indian Express                 27.04.2013

Water board may get wider powers

Soon the Hyderabad water board (HMWS&SB) will be empowered to attach both moveable and immovable properties against water defaulters under the revenue recovery act.

“The chief commissioner of land administration (CCLA) has already recommended the state government last month to delegate similar powers on the lines of tahsildars and revenue officials. Currently the file remains with the law department and soon after the department submits the reports, the government will issue necessary orders,” HMWS&SB Officer on special duty (OSD) for RR Act, E Muralidhar Rao told Express.

The state government has delegated powers under RR act to two departments - the Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC) and the Andhra Pradesh State Financial Corporation for recovery of dues by attaching moveable and immovable properties against defaulters. The water board has also sought similar powers be extended to them.

“If the RR Act powers are delegated to the HMWS&SB, then general managers of all divisions will be empowered to attach defaulters’ properties straight away”, he said.