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KMC slashes mayor's fund

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The Times of India                29.04.2013

KMC slashes mayor's fund

KANPUR: Hospitality expenses, under advertisement and publicity heads, have been increased by more than 50% in the KMC's budget for 2013-14.

The budget depicted that Rs 50 lakh had been earmarked for hospitality in the current financial year while in previous year till January it was 32.10 lakh. Rs 45 lakh had been earmarked for advertisements.

For first time, KMC had made provisions for the maintenance of statues and Rs 10 lakh would be spent on it in the current financial year. The planners had slashed the mayor's fund. Earlier, it was Rs 5 lakh but for current financial year it has been fixed at Rs 2 lakh.KMC had proposed to spend Rs 3.75 crore to maintain parks of the city. A sum of Rs 50 lakh would be spent on gardens.

In order to attract youth towards playgrounds, a sum of Rs 5 lakh have been earmarked for maintenance of the infrastructure. Rs 10 lakh have been allocated for to maintain the two stadiums of KMC. Rs 5 lakh would be spent on the maintenance of swimming pool. Another Rs 5 lakh have been earmarked for the maintenance of sports goods.

For the promotion of art and culture, the planners had made a provision Rs10 lakhs in comparison to Rs 8.46 lakh fixed last year. For e-governance, a sum of Rs 10 lakh had been allocated as expanses of internet lease line.

During the KMC budget session on Saturday, BJP corporator Satyendra Mishra had sought information that what were rules for the taxes on playgrounds, ponds, lakes and gardens. In its answer, the KMC stated that under Section 174(a) and (b), read with Section 177 UP Property Tax Rules 2000, all these were exempted from tax.

Thereafter, he pointed out that a tax of Rs. 2.34 lakh had been levied on Hanuman Park and Rs 6.52 lakh as general tax on Darshanpurwa park. Both were KMC properties. Similarly, wrong tax had been imposed on 144 petrol pumps. The municipal commissioner assured to take action against the guilty officials and tax on the parks would be cancelled.
Last Updated on Monday, 29 April 2013 11:45