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MC may now send water bills through courier

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The Indian Express                 04.05.2013

MC may now send water bills through courier

In order to ensure that water bills reach the city residents, the Municipal Corporation is contemplating a proposal for delivering of these bills through courier. Also, the proposal is that if residents forget to pay their bill, a telephone operator will remind them about the same.

A discussion on the proposals was held between the Mayor and the officials of the civic body. At present, bills are delivered through regular post. It was opined that there are complaints from residents about these not being received on time. The residents then refused to pay surcharge if payment was delayed, claiming that it is not their fault.

Another problem that was encountered was that at times, the bills were delivered when there was no one residing at the particular location. So, while bills keep accumulating, no one turned up to pay these.

Mayor Subhash Chawla said, "I have asked the officials to look into these proposals. This will improve the services of MC. Residents will not be able to take the alibi of delay in delivery of the bills."

The officials have been asked to look at a software through which residents who do not pay the bills on time can be given reminders on lines similar to those given by telecom companies.