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De-addiction programme for corporation employees

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The Times of India            06.05.2013 

De-addiction programme for corporation employees

MADURAI: The district collector, Anshul Mishra, has planned to conduct a rehabilitation programme for sanitation employees working in the Madurai corporation, who are addicted to alcohol.

The collector took part in an awareness programme organised on the ill effects of illicit liquor consumption, held on Friday evening. He said that instructions have been given to the city health officer, Madurai corporation to conduct a medical screening for the sanitation workers. The workers, who have been affected by the alcohol habit would be detected in the screening and convinced to take part in the rehabilitation

programme. Based on the consent from the employees, they would be enrolled in the programme, Mishra said. The rehabilitation programme would be conducted at the alcohol de-addiction centre in Government Rajaji Hospital, the collector added.

Mishra said that he had conducted a similar programme while he was the commissioner of Coimbatore corporation. He started the programme after a survey report revealed that the sanitation employees there spent a whopping 80% of their income on alcohol. The addiction not only spoiled the health of the employees but also created several financial problems in their families.

Speaking during the function, Dr N Mohan, dean, Madurai Medical College and Government Rajaji Hospital said that 40% of the patients admitted to the hospital for various health issues are alcohol addicts. The addiction creates several health problems, he said and urged the participants to stop alcohol consumption. "The details of the employees who are addicted to alcohol would be collected from the colleagues and family members. They would be involved in the programme. There are as many as 2,500 sanitary health workers in Madurai corporation," informed V Yasodhamani, city health officer, Madurai Corporation.

Last Updated on Monday, 06 May 2013 11:47