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Short term strategies for water crisis

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Deccan Herald                  14.05.2013

Short term strategies for water crisis

Water situation expected to worsen in a week; three pronged approach adopted

District administration has come up with a three pronged approach as ‘temporary measures’ to solve the water crisis of the city.

Using water released from Hemavathi reservoir, restoring the pumping capacities of pumping stations that supply water to the city and, flushing and re-drilling of defunct borewells under the Calamity Relief Fund (CRF).

Yet, anticipating a severe water crisis within the span of a week, Deputy Commissioner C Shikha has called to maintain discrepancy in using the water.

Water level at KRS has increased by six inches, following the release of 1,598 cusecs of water Hemavathi reservoir.

Water flow into the Devaraya canal had stopped completely after the water level at KRS had dipped below 64 feet. Debris removal and de-silting of the canal has resumed water flow. Belagola pump house will now be able to pump 45 MLD of water, she said.

Similarly, works are also being taken up at Hongalli second and third pumping stations. Emergency pumps are being installed and the pumping stations will be able to draw 15 MLD’s of water in a span of two days.

Works have also been taken up under the CRF for flushing and re-drilling 73 borewells within city limits. Works on 42 borewells have been completed, she said.

Instructions had been sent to JUSCO to employ additional water tankers to provide water to water sparse areas, following which the number of tankers have been increased from 15 to 32.

She was briefing the press after a memorandum on the condition of drinking water supply to Mysore was submitted by the convenor of Association of Concerned and Informed Citizens of Mysore, M Lakshmana and representatives of Institution of Engineers, India.