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Allahabad Municipal Corporation team in garbage-laden Kydganj

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The Times of India                15.05.2013

Allahabad Municipal Corporation team in garbage-laden Kydganj

ALLAHABAD: A team of officials of the Allahabad Municipal Corporation ( AMC) accompanied by a group of corporators on Tuesday visited the Chaukhandi ward in Kydganj locality to take stock of sanitary conditions and other arrangements which have come to a standstill in the wake of absence of safai karmacharis from the area.

Local corporator Ramesh Mishra informed that the team visited different areas under the ward where they found heaps of garbage piled up at various places lying unattended. Besides, drains are also choked as there has been no cleaning work for the last few days and residents of the area are forced to live under insanitary and unhygienic conditions.

Mishra said six safai karmcaharis deputed for duty in the area have been withdrawn by civic authorities without making alternative arrangements leaving residents to languish in filth accumulated in the area. He added that the matter had been brought to the notice of civic authorities but nothing was done.