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North Corpn: Overcharging prevalent in parking lot

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The Statesman                24.05.2013

North Corpn: Overcharging prevalent in parking lot

NEW DELHI, 23 MAY: Finally, the North Corporation has woken up from the slumber after much hue and cry against the poor parking facilities and illegal parking charges in the city.

On the complaint of people, the chairman of standing committee, North Corporation, Mr Ram Kishan Singhal, has visited a parking site today and amazed to see that practice of overcharging has been taking place.

On Thursday, Mr Singhal inspected a car parking lot located on Asaf Ali Road where he found negligence on part of the contractor in maintaining cleanliness in the parking. He also witnessed the pattern of an illegal parking charge. Mr Singhal said: "During the inspection, on the complained of the people that commuters are charged Rs 10 for the parking of scooter/ motorcycle and helmet we asked to a staff employed there by the contractor, to show the receipt given by the civic body for scooter parking. The employee could only be able to show the receipt of Rs 10. However the civic body has fixed Rs 7 for scooter and motorcycle parking," adding that the receipt was handed over to a ADC of R P Cell, Mr Ravideep Singh, who was asked to conduct an inquiry in the matter.

The maintenance of parking lot was also in sorry state wherein the absence of lights a pale of groom was spreading. Piles of garbage were lying on the road outside the parking. 

"I have directed to the concerned officials to improve the sanitation of the underground parking and the road outside immediately," said Mr Singhal.