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Close roads around PMC, proposes security officer

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The Indian Express                 24.05.2013

Close roads around PMC, proposes security officer

Perceiving a 'terror' threat, the security department of the Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) has suggested the closure of two roads to general traffic around the main building of the civic body.

The space thus freed could be used to augment parking needs of the civic body, as suggested by the additional municipal commissioner in a report.

The proposal made by the chief security officer of the PMC would be placed before the Standing Committee.

One of the roads run in front of the building and the other from west to east along the building. The security officer said these roads could be used by terrorists to carry out attacks on the building. The road that runs from west to east connects the main Congress House Road to various areas of Shivajinagar Gaothan.

The additional municipal commissioner, in his report about a proposal to increase parking space around the the PMC building, stated that in order to cater to growing parking needs of the civic body, a multi-level parking should be constructed.

The report stated that at present, the main building can accommodate 160 four-wheelers, 656 two-wheelers and 180 bicycles. According to the newly passed development control rules, a building that has the dimensions of the civic headquarters building should cater to parking of 617 four-wheelers, 3,085 two-wheelers and 617 bicycles. The additional municipal commissioner, in his report stated that given the security threat to the building, the security chief of PMC has suggested construction of a mechanized parking for the PMC.