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Allahabad Municipal Corporation council passes Jal Sansthan budget

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The Times of India            28.05.2013

Allahabad Municipal Corporation council passes Jal Sansthan budget

ALLAHABAD: The budget of Jal Sansthan was passed with some changes in the meeting of executive council of Allahabad Municipal Corporation conducted on Monday. The city mayor Abhilasha Gupta and members of the executive council were present in the meeting.

It was decided that the water charge for people in 0-2700 slab will be waived off. In the previous budget, water charge was waived for people in the 0-360 slab. A resolution was also passed in the meeting that all contracts for cleaning sewage pipelines should be terminated. Further, the private contracts for operation of tube wells were also terminated.

It was decided that from now onwards, the policy of one contractor-one tube well will be applicable and no contractor will be allowed contract for multiple tube wells. The amount for purchasing new pumping sets was reduced from 80 lakh to 40 lakh. The budget for maintenance of damaged water pipelines of the city which was earlier 150 lakh was reduced to 140 lakh.

During the meeting, members of the executive council including Shiv Sewak Singh, Athar Raza Ladley and others participated. AMC and Jal Sansthan officers were also present in the meeting. In a novel move, closed circuit television ( CCTV) cameras were placed in the hall to record the proceedings.