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MCC fails to implement rule on Rain harvesting

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The Times of India            28.05.2013

MCC fails to implement rule on Rain harvesting

MYSORE: The idea of Mysore city corporation (MCC) to make builders to incorporate rainwater harvesting mechanism in their plans and implement it is yet to take off with many builders not abiding by this diktat.

Realizing the importance of rainwater harvesting following frequent drought conditions, MCC took this decision three years ago to make it mandatory for the builders who build their houses and other structures on a site measuring 60 X 40 feet dimension and bigger than this, but the rule failed to draw the attention of the builders, with many of the people who have either built their houses or other commercial structures not following MCC order.

Officials claim that they are not approving building plans which do not have rainwater harvesting provisions, but private individuals and builders seem to have failed to take note of the guideline and abide by the plans approved by MCC. The other hitch in the MCC diktat is that this rule is being applied to houses and buildings constructed in MCC jurisdiction, whereas the buildings constructed in MUDA layouts are kept out of this rule.

"We are ensuring implementation of this rule and not approving any plan which does not have rain harvesting mechanism in it," claimed Krishna Bhovi the town planning officer in MCC, adding that they are also not issuing completion certificates for the houses which have violated this rule. However, the dual system of plan approvals has affected the implementation, disclosed Krishna Bhovi regretting the absence of a single agency to issue work permits. He said people who build houses in MUDA layouts do not come to MCC for plan approvals and MUDA is not insisting on this rule.

However, MUDA officials denied that they are not insisting on rain harvesting mechanism in the structures being built in MUDA layouts. "Since last few days we are not approving plans which do not have rain harvesting system in the plan," said KN Kumar, MUDA town planning member, claiming that they are also seriously implementing the rule.

Even MCC commissioner PG Ramesh said they are mercilessly implementing the rule and no completion certificates will be issued to those who are violating this rule.