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PMC puts off decision on hike in penalty for hawkers

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The Indian Express              05.06.2013

PMC puts off decision on hike in penalty for hawkers

Elected representatives in the Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) on Tuesday continued to postpone the decision on civic administration's proposal seeking an increase in penalty on hawkers while returning their seized goods and the introduction of pay and park system for two-wheelers on 15 major city roads.

"We discussed the proposal seeking hike in penalty on hawkers. However, it was felt that the hike was too much and it should be reconsidered," said NCP leader Subhash Jagtap, after attending a meeting chaired by Mayor Vaishali Bankar.

The PMC anti-encroachment cell regularly takes action against hawkers encroaching city roads and pavements. They seize their goods and return the non-perishable goods after penalising them.

When asked about the delay in implementing pay and park system, he said the elected representatives are yet to go through the proposal.

"In the past, the civic administration had proposed to introduce pay and park system on 46 city roads. However, the leaders urged to implement the system on 15 major city roads initially. As of now, there is no clarity on the 15 roads that will implement the system," he said.

The pay and park proposal have been opposed by political parties for the past two years citing inability of civic administration to provide efficient public transport system for citizens.

However, the Union and state government have been urging the civic bodies to discourage the use of private vehicles by introducing pay and park system.

'Pathak shielding errring civic officers'

Elected representatives in the Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) on Tuesday alleged that Municipal Commissioner Mahesh Pathak was shielding civic officers facing allegations of wrongdoing while discharging duties. Addressing the media, Mayor Vaishali Bankar said, "Allegations against civic officers were raised at the meeting of party leaders. However, no stern action has been taken against such erring officers." NCP leader Subhash Jagtap said civic chief wanted the charges to be investigated before holding any civic officer responsible. "Pathak said he has ordered an inquiry into the allegations against the anti-encroachment department chief Ramesh Shelar. Action will be taken after the findings of the inquiry," he said.