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VMC to involve local community in decision making

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The Hindu               06.06.2013

VMC to involve local community in decision making

G.V.R. Subba Rao

A working group of local elders, slum dwellers, and knowledgeable persons to be formed

Very soon you can prioritise the requirements in your locality. The Vijayawada Municipal Corporation is contemplating involving the local community in deciding the requirements and priorities. A working group of local elders, slum dwellers, knowledgeable persons and retired people who have expertise will be formed in due course.

The corporation has begun a study on Operation and Maintenance (O&M) of the services being provided to the citizens. The O&M of water supply, roads, Under Ground Drainage (UGD), street lighting, health care etc were being studied. A comprehensive data on O&M is being collected. A route map and guidelines would be formulated based on the outcome of the study.