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Second diplomatic enclave: DDA says ready to allot land

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The Indian Express            15.06.2013 

Second diplomatic enclave: DDA says ready to allot land


DDA chose Dwarka for the diplomatic area due to its proximity to the airport. (Sumbul Farah)

The capital's second diplomatic enclave, proposed by the Delhi Development Authority (DDA) in 2007, is now ready for allotment.

According to sources in the DDA, land development in the allocated area is nearly complete. The enclave only awaits further direction from the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA), which at present is in talks with foreign missions to gauge the quantum of allocation required for each country.

Only last month, senior officials from the DDA inspected the developed diplomatic area in Sector 24, Dwarka. "DDA officials were satisfied with the level of development in the new diplomatic area. Roads have all been laid, along with sewage lines. The enclave is ready for allocation," a senior DDA official said.

So far, the MEA has received around 50 applications from countries for land allotment. The requests range from space for embassies to cultural centres. While at least 60 diplomatic missions are housed in Chanakyapuri, embassies of at least 39 countries function out of rented apartments, primarily in South Delhi.

Sources said these 39 countries would get top priority in the Dwarka diplomatic area.

The DDA has earmarked around 222 hectares of land for the diplomatic area. Senior DDA officials said they were holding meetings with the MEA and the Ministry of Urban Development to determine the institutional requirement.

According to sources in the DDA, the rates for each allotment would be finalised after discussing the issue with the Urban Development (UD) Ministry.

"There are different rates for each allotment, depending on the type of institution. For example, zonal rates would differ from rates for charitable institutions. We are discussing this issue with the UD Ministry," a senior official said.

He said the MEA would soon communicate to the DDA the required allotment for each application in the new diplomatic area.

With little land left for allotment in Chanakyapuri, the MEA in 2007 had requested the UD ministry for alternative areas to develop a new diplomatic enclave. The UD ministry had picked Dwarka for the new enclave citing the area's proximity to the international airport, the expanding metro network and the infrastructure upgrades that was already underway there.