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KMC asks ad agencies to clear arrears

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The Statesman             20.06.2013

KMC asks ad agencies to clear arrears

KOLKATA, : The Kolkata Municipal Corporation (KMC) has asked advertisement agencies to clear the arrears at the earliest.

A meeting was held at KMC headquarters yesterday where senior civic officials and representatives of advertising agencies were present.

Mr Debashis Kumar, member, mayor in council, in-charge of advertisement, said many outdoor advertisement agencies are not paying KMC taxes. They take space and pay only a part of the advertisement fee. The remaining amount keep on accumulating and the total dues from the advertising agencies would be around Rs 65 crore. Mr Kumar said representatives of many officials of advertising agencies told him they had been sent inflated bills and asked to pay money for the hoardings which they could not put up. He said all such errors would be rectified but the agencies would have to clear their dues.

Meanwhile, representatives of outdoor advertisement agencies said despite requests the state government is yet to frame any advertisement policy where sizes of billboards would be specified. They said just because of the instruction from the chief minister billboards were removed from the heritage zone and from the proposed green corridor. The advertisers who had their hoardings in these areas were told they would be adequately compensated. But the assurance was not kept and they have not got any suitable place to put up their billboards.