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Court orders removal of encroachments

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The Times of India             21.06.2013

Court orders removal of encroachments

KANPUR: The permanent lok adalat of Kanpur on Thursday ordered deputy municipal commissioner to remove encroachments from the gate of complainant Vinod Gupta and make arrangements for regular sanitation there.

Vinod Gupta, a resident of Nayaganj had alleged that there were shopkeepers in his neighbourhood. In a bid to enhance their business they had encroached the drain as a result, sanitation work could not take place there. During showers, waterlogging takes place and the water of the overflowing drain enters his house. He often feels difficulty in entering his house. Lok adalat president GC Awasthi and member Rakesh Bhargava directed to municipal corporation to remove encroachments and make arrangements for regular sanitation at that place.