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VMC to float City Development and Beautification Trust

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The Hindu              24.06.2013

VMC to float City Development and Beautification Trust

G.V.R. Subba Rao

It is aimed at creating new infrastructure like roads with the funds raised

Have some plans on giving back something to the city? You can donate for construction of a road or a development of a park, or even could extend help for beautification of an area in the city. The Vijayawada Municipal Corporation (VMC) will start a trust to take up developmental and beautification works.

The corporation will float The City Development and Beautification Trust shortly. The VMC officials are working out modalities of the proposed trust. Discussions are in progress on the proposal and the corporation is likely to make an announcement in the next couple of days after it got legal vetting, sources say.

The trust objectives are different in nature, but it will be the corporation’s second move to involve the public in the development of city.

The trust is aimed at creating new infrastructure like roads with the funds raised through the trust. Essential links would be provided for integration of existing infrastructural facilities. On the other hand, the operation and maintenance (O&M) plan is for maintaining and renewing the existing facilities, officials say.

The VMC has already initiated a process to involve the local communities as part of its O&M plan. The local communities would be provided opportunities to prioritise the requirements in their locality. A working group of local elders, slum dwellers, knowledgeable persons and retired people who have expertise will be formed in the due course.

The corporation has begun a study on O&M of the services being provided to the citizens. The O&M of water supply, roads, Under Ground Drainage (UGD), street lighting, health care etc were being studied. A comprehensive data on O&M is being collected.

A route map and guidelines would be formulated based on the outcome of study, which would throw light on grey areas as well. For instance it would tell the higher ups why the corporation was incurring a recurring expenditure on repairs and maintenance of vehicles at vehicle depot.