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‘Remove illegal constructions’

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The Hindu             25.06.2013

‘Remove illegal constructions’

Special Correspondent

Minister for Urban Development Vinay Kumar Sorake has directed Belgaum City Corporation (BCC) officials to act against illegal constructions and encroachments on public property.

Reviewing the progress of BCC schemes here on Monday, he said the government had received several complaints about illegal constructions. The BCC must check illegal constructions and protect public property.


The Minister, who later spoke to presspersons, said the BCC and the Karnataka Urban Water Supply and Drainage Board had jointly prepared short-term and long-term plans to improve the drinking water supply system in Belgaum and a proposal had been sent to the Union Urban Development Ministry.

Under the short-term plan, a Rs. 10-crore proposal had been prepared for upgrading pumping stations in Rakaskop and Hidkal reservoirs.

According to the long-term plan, machinery would be installed to enhance pumping capacity from the Hidkal reservoir from 12 mgd to 18 mgd, and canals and pipelines would be upgraded to improve the pumping and distribution systems. The upgrading would require around Rs. 212.20 crore.

Mr. Sorake, who also reviewed the progress of the Belgaum Urban Development Authority (BUDA), expressed his displeasure over the delay in distributing housing sites to applicants. He directed the authorities concerned to begin the process in a transparent manner.

He warned the BUDA and other authorities about pursuing commercial interests and advised them to prepare layouts considering the population growth in 2014, by involving experts, elected representatives and social organisations. He asked officials to plan projects without looking for funds from the government, and to coordinate with the BCC to check illegal constructions and encroachments.


Mr. Sorake said the government would transfer officials serving for a long time in municipal bodies, so as to stimulate administration and performance.

He reiterated that the government would announce reservation for mayoral posts after the High Court delivered its verdict on the matter on July 27.