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East Corp blind number of shops in its area

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The Statesman                05.07.2013

East Corp blind number of shops in its area
New Delhi,: The East Corporation's Commissioner, Mr Kumarswamy, today admitted that it is not aware about the number of shops and commercial establishments operating in its area. "We don't have any data of the number of shops and commercial establishments operating in the East Corporation area. We have not conducted any survey after the new corporation came into existence" said Mr Kumaraswamy. According to the rule, no shop or commercial establishment could operate without a trade licence issued by the corporation which is also one of the main sources of revenue of the civic bodies. In a written reply, the trade licence department also submitted that some of the big commercial establishments are being run without clearance from the fire department and not paying tax to the corporation.  "The records of the East Corporation show that only 671 shops are situated in trans- amuna region but in reality the number is in lakhs,” said Mahak Singh, member of the standing committee.