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GHMC pulls down old structures

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The Hindu                10.07.2013

GHMC pulls down old structures

Safety step:GHMC authorities demolish an old building at Monda market in Secunderabad on Tuesday.- PHOTO: G. RAMAKRISHNA
Safety step:GHMC authorities demolish an old building at Monda market in Secunderabad on Tuesday.- PHOTO: G. RAMAKRISHNA

In the wake of City Light Hotel and Bakery collapse, the GHMC has intensified the process of demolishing identified old and dilapidated structures in different circles on Tuesday. At the same time, an exercise to identify other structures in bad shape was also taken up.

In accordance with the instructions of GHMC Commissioner M.T. Krishna Babu, a team headed by senior officials of Circle 18 inspected a building on Station Road, Monda Market, which was in dilapidated condition and took up demolition.

Demolition of some old structures which were found to be in bad shape was carried out in the Circle 7 at Mangalhat and another at Hillfort Road in Abids Circle on Tuesday.

In the Uppal circle, teams lead by Deputy Commissioner, Executive Engineer and Town Planning staff identified buildings in dilapidated state in addition to the eight already identified. Action against two was initiated for total dismantling and notices served to owners of others asking them to either vacate, demolish or take up repair works within seven days.