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Mayor inspects Old City, orders cleanliness drive

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The Times of India              11.07.2013

Mayor inspects Old City, orders cleanliness drive

ALLAHABAD: Mayor Abhilasha Gupta on Wednesday inspected Harimasjid, Khwajamasjid, Wasiabadmasjid, Munnamasjid, Rasoolpur Bari masjid, Alnoormasjid and RambaghEidgah areas and asked Allahabad Municipal Corporation (AMC) officials to make elaborate arrangements for the holy month of Ramzan.

She ordered that dug up roads near Kotwali Hari masjid be repaired at the earliest as it was affecting commuting. She also took the officials to task for waterlogging on nearby roads and silt at Thatheri bazar and Shahganj. Locals told the mayor that choked sewer line at Thatheri bazar had led to waterlogging. The mayor also found a few manhole covers broken in Shahganj.

During the inspection, people living near Rasoolpur store pointed towards heap of garbage in the area and told mayor that owing to lack of cleaning, threat of epidemic loomed large over the area. Insanitary conditions were also found near Khwaja masjid area. Locals accused sanitation inspector of laxity and said that waterlogging and overflowing drains were a common sight.

Silt-filled drains and garbage were found littered in Old City areas. Locals told the mayor that despite repeated complaints garbage had not been removed from the area. Expressing anger over the prevailing conditions, the mayor directed officials to take up cleanliness projects on priority basis.

She also ordered that drains be cleaned and broken one rectified or repaired. She also ordered that broken manhole covered be replaced. The mayor also recommended action against erring sanitary inspector and sanitary nayak.