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Political hoardings to get dedicated space

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The Indian Express              16.07.2013

Political hoardings to get dedicated space

In a bid to ensure strict implementation of the policy on billboards and hoardings, the Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) is planning to allow political hoardings only at dedicated spaces at prominent junctions. They would be banned from other places.

The civic administration is regularising hoardings as per the policy and has already acted against those existing illegally or those violating norms. This has put a check on billboards used for commercial advertisements but indiscriminate display of political hoardings continues. These hoardings come up overnight and are placed anywhere along roads.

"The issue of political hoardings needs to be tackled carefully as they are difficult to control. We are planning to reserve certain displays at specific locations in the city which would be meant for political messages at nominal rates," said Additional Municipal Commissioner Rajendra Jagtap.

He said that around 50 such locations have been identified. These hoardings will also be made available for public notices and social messages in public interest.

Deputy Municipal Commissioner D P More said that the civic administration is working on a plan that would provide dedicated space for political hoardings. The plan of Jagtap received a good response from the outdoor advertisement association. In a two-day convention of outdoor advertising industry recently held in Panji, the association welcomed the solution presented by Jagtap.

The association had raised the issue of disruption created by political hoardings and displays to commercial hoardings. "The solution that certain displays be created at specific locations in the city which would be meant only for public notices, social messages and for political messages at nominal rates, found favour with all," said association member.

The civic administration is scrutinising each application to ensure hoardings are as per set norms.