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AMC to sign sister-city MoU with Houston

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The Indian Express                19.07.2013

AMC to sign sister-city MoU with Houston

The Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation (AMC) will sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Houston taking forward the sister-city partnership between Ahmedabad and the US cities. Earlier, the AMC had signed similar agreements with the American cities of Atlanta and Columbus.

A sister-city agreement is a partnership between two cities to carry out cultural, educational and business projects jointly.

Indo-American Chamber of Commerce (IACC) (Gujarat) chairman Mihir Joshi said, "There is an invitation from the Houston mayor."

Meenaxi Patel, mayor of Ahmedabad said, "We are looking at industrial and cultural interaction, as the two cities are closely inter-linked. Since there is a considerable Gujarati population in Houston, we hope to bring these two cities closer on other platforms including education and exchange programmes."

IACC members met Ahmedabad mayor Meenaxi Patel on Thursday with regard to the issue.

Patel added that though the deadline for signing of an MoU had not been finalised, it was expected to happen soon, followed by visits from local body representatives of both cities.