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'No water? No NOC for apartments'

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The New Indian Express                19.07.2013

'No water? No NOC for apartments'

The State government will not issue No Objection Certificate (NOC) to construct new apartments in and around Bangalore city where there is no availability of drinking water Chief Minister Siddaramaiah said on Thursday.

Replying to a question raised by M Srinivas in the Legislative Council, the CM said: “It has come to the notice of the government that several apartment owners are buying water in tankers due to non-availability of water.

“At present, it is not possible to supply Cauvery water to all. Until alternative measures are taken, the Bruhat Bangalore Mahanagara Palike (BBMP) and other authorities are directed not to issue NOCs for the construction of new apartments.”

'Customers bearing builders’ brunt'

Siddaramaiah said realtors, without taking into consideration the availability of water, constructed flats and sold them to buyers and the residents have to bear the brunt.

The drinking water problem may ease out only after the completion of Ettinahole Project and seeking more quota of Cauvery water, Siddaramaiah said.

The officials will be questioned on why Rain Water Harvesting (RWH) is not adopted in many houses, despite making it mandatory at the time of issuing NOCs. Action would be initiated against the guilty after inspection of such buildings. There are also plans of using recyclyed sewage water in toilets, he noted.


Earlier, Srinivas pointed out that 24 conditions, put forth by the government, has become handy for officials to make money. The RWH rule is not being implemented seriously.

More than 90 per cent of apartments are dependent on borewells in the city. According to an estimate, nearly one lakh flats are unoccupied due non-availability of drinking water, he noted.

In 2004, the government had given permission for construction of apartments stating that the Cauvery water would be brought to Bangalore. This has resulted in mushrooming of apartments all over the city.

When water became scarce, the government came out with 24 conditions, but most of them have been flouted, he alleged.