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List of potholed roads released

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The Times of India              03.08.2013

List of potholed roads released

AHMEDABAD: After repeated complaints of potholes eating away city streets, municipal commissioner GuruprasadMohapatra brought out a detailed list of such roads.

There are just 24 contractors that have been awarded road resurfacing contracts worth more than Rs 100 crore, claim AMC officials. Mohapatra has segregated resurfacing roads that are under warranty terms and those that are not. "AMC is only resurfacing those roads that are not under any guarantee, while the city engineer has already shot letters to contractors to spend money on the roads that were damaged during the guarantee period," says Mohapatra.

Mohapatra added since the city received 632 mm of rainfall this year so far, which was one of the highest during such season, it is impossible that bitumen roads survive in such downpour. "Bitumen and water are enemies and it's natural that such bituminous roads erode during monsoon," says Mohapatra.