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VMC set to demolish 25K homes before August 19

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The Indian Express     06.08.2013 

VMC set to demolish 25K homes before August 19

If the Vadodara Municipal Corporation (VMC) has its way, over 25,000 houses in the city will be demolished by the corporation before August 19. The drive has been initiated under the state government's impact fee scheme that calls for regularisation of illegal constructions in the city. The civic body has already received applications from 13,372 residents against 25,000 properties identified by the VMC.

The VMC had issued notice to over 25,000 properties to come forward and pay the impact fee in order to have their structures regularised. So far, out of the 13,372 applications, the VMC has initiated action for 5,838 applications and issued regularisation certificates to 3,844 properties.

VMC town development officer K L Patel says, "We have regularised 6,000 constructions across the city. Over 13,000 applications have been received and there are many more who are yet to respond to the notice. If they do not respond, we will initiate action. The deadline for the payment of impact fee is August 19."