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Segregate waste or get ready to pay penalty

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The Hindu              30.08.2013

Segregate waste or get ready to pay penalty

Have you not been segregating your waste at home? It is time you bucked up as the Bruhat Bangalore Mahangara Palike (BBMP) has authorised the Assistant Executive Engineer or Assistant Engineer of the respective wards to levy and collect penalty for effective solid waste management.

A notification to this effect was issued by the BBMP Commissioner here on Thursday. The notification states that officials are vested with the responsibility to levy fine under the amended Karnataka Municipal Corporations Act, 1976. A public notice has been issued by the BBMP fixing the fine amount for various offences such as spitting, not segregating waste and allowing filth to flow on to the streets.

The public notice stated that failure to segregate dry waste from wet waste will attract a fine of Rs. 100 for residents and Rs. 500 for bulk generators. The penalty for the second time offence by residents would be Rs. 500 and Rs. 1,000 for bulk generators.

Failure to segregate and hand over garden waste, sanitary waste, biomedical waste would attract a fine of Rs. 500 for the first time and Rs. 1,000 for the second and subsequent offences.

If you dump building waste irregularly, you are likely to be penalised Rs. 1,000 for the first offence and Rs. 5,000 for the second and subsequent offences.

Irregular deposit of rubbish or filth or any solid waste could cost you Rs. 100 and the subsequent times you would be fined Rs. 200.

The civic body has also decided to levy fine for littering, spitting, urinating and depositing carcasses of animals in an improper place.