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Crackdown on hoardings

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Deccan Herald             02.09.2013

Crackdown on hoardings

The BBMP will launch a crackdown against illegal hoardings in the City from September 3. 

The step comes in the wake of the furore in the Palike council meeting over mushrooming hoardings across the City.

The drive will start from 7 am and last into the night. Although the order is for all eight zones, the drive will be conducted vigorously from the BBMP’s East zone where the number of illegal hoardings are high.

Penalties ranging between Rs 5,000 and Rs 10,000 will be imposed on those responsible for the hoardings.

An additional sum would be recovered from them for the manpower employed to remove the hoardings.

However, those hoardings for which due permission has been obtained or for which stay has been granted by courts, will be spared.