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Bijapur CMC ordered to speed up road works

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The Hindu              04.09.2013

Bijapur CMC ordered to speed up road works

Deputy Commissioner Shivayogi Kalasad (in track suit) inspecting the progress of road works in Bijapur on Tuesday.
Deputy Commissioner Shivayogi Kalasad (in track suit) inspecting the progress of road works in Bijapur on Tuesday.

Deputy Commissioner Shivayogi Kalasad has directed officials of the City Municipal Council to speed up the construction of drainages and roads under the Urban Development Scheme of the government.

Kalasad, who visited several areas of the city on Tuesday, also held discussion with the officials about the progress of Underground Drainage and other civic amenities.

He informed that under the Urban Development Scheme, the government had granted Rs. 30 crore, under which, six months ago a tender was invited to develop 17 roads and 14 drainages. The work order was also issued to the contractor three months ago, but the works have not started. Mr. Kalasad expressed anguish over the delay and warned that the contracts would be cancelled if the works do not start immediately.

He also expressed disapproval over the sluggish pace of the Underground Drainage works, taken up at the cost of Rs. 136 crore.

Directing the CMC officials to ensure the compulsory visit of the main contractor of the project at least once in a month to check the development, he warned that matter would be brought to the government if any further delay takes place in the implementation of the project.

He instructed Municipal Commissioner A. Ramadas to maintain cleanliness in the city, especially during the coming Ganesh Chaturthi festival. Mr. Kalasad directed him to take steps to get rid of the increasing number of stray pigs in the city, which was creating nuisance.