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Lucknow Municipal Corporation to issue birth/death certificate within 2 days

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The Times of India             10.09.2013

Lucknow Municipal Corporation to issue birth/death certificate within 2 days

LUCKNOW: Lucknow Municipal Corporation (LMC) has arranged for issuing birth / death certificates to people in the span of just 2 days. Unlike earlier when hospitals and LMC together took around 15-20 days to deliver certificates, the new system has been devised online which gives the convenience to the health officer to go through a certificate more faster.

All private hospitals, clinic, medical colleges and nursing homes of the city have been instructed to send all the birth and death data to LMC online on the same day. If they fail to do so, the corporation would penalise them. For better coordination with hospitals, the LMC has convened few meetings of nursing home and hospital owners in the past.

The registration of births and deaths is an important function of LMC. Even this is also an important reform under Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM) The certificates issued are very important for anyone as they are definitive legal documents of identity of an individual.

PK Srivastava, additional municipal commissioner said, ""Birth certificates are necessary for admission in school, passport and job applications. Until now, the job was too cumbersome and tedious and people had to suffer much at the hands of babus and bureaucrats who intentionally delayed the work due to vested interests. The new online system would encourage transparency and minimise corruption."

"Some hospitals never send their birth and death records to us and that's why the corporation faces problems while issuing birth/death certificates," said another official. He emphasised that hospitals must understand that if they don't send the data to LMC on time, they are violating the norms of the Birth and Death Registration Act.

Today most of these hospitals are maintaining computerised records. LMC wants the owners of hospitals to forward the data of births and deaths to its account. This would help the corporation update its data fast.

Initially, the municipal corporation would only request the private hospitals to send their data online but after six months it would start penalising even those hospitals that don't cooperate.

"We are mulling a fine of R100 per birth and death or R100 per day in case the records are not sent online to the LMC," said an LMC official.