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Notices issued to 590 dilapidated buildings

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The Times of India             10.09.2013

Notices issued to 590 dilapidated buildings

NASHIK: The Nashik Municipal Corporation (NMC) civic body has, within two months, issued 590 notices to dilapidated buildings across the city and will soon be initiating action against the offenders.

The divisional officers have issued the notices and while some of them demolished the structures on their own, others have written to the divisional officers requesting more time and mentioning the reasons for the delay in action.

"There are 94 dilapidated buildings in this division and we have issued notices to all the owners, 14 of whom have replied to us. Some of them have disputes with their tenants, while some others have matter pending in the court," a Panchavati division engineer said. "Five owners have brought down the dangerous sections of their buildings," the engineer added.

The CIDCO division has 50 dilapidated structures and notices have been issued to all. "The structures here do not pose much of a danger, but we had sent a list of these structures to the town planning department to inspect the buildings and tell us which of them could prove hazardous. We could raze those buildings," divisional officer A P Wagh said.

Of the 114 dilapidated buildings in the West division, seven old wadas are in a very bad state and have been issued notices. "We have razed five of the seven wadas and are in the process of taking action on the rest," a West division engineer said.

In the Nashik Road division, the NMC had served notices to 75 dilapidated structures. Only two of the owners have removed the dangerous portions of the buildings. "Of the 75, five structures were most dangerous. The NMC has already issued final notices to the owners of these and action will be taken if they do not get these razed on their own," divisional officer Meena Handore said.

The Satpur division has 21 dilapidated buildings and only one owner has complied with the NMC's notice. The division's officials said they would start taking action soon.

The East division has 236 dilapidated structures, five of which have been termed extremely dangerous. Owners of four of these structures have razed them, an engineer from the East division said.

The officials said that apart from the matters of dispute, they will be taking action against those who have not removed their structures despite the notices.