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Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation squad to speed up hoarding tax collection

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The Times of India             24.09.2013

Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation squad to speed up hoarding tax collection

BHUBANESWAR: The Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation (BMC) will form a squad to expedite collection of advertisement tax and trade licence fees. The squad from October 20 will instantly collect the taxes and remove unauthorized hoardings and signboards.

The decision was taken recently during a meeting of licence review committee. The squad will comprise officers from enforcement and licencing cells. The officers will move with an excavator and an electric ladder to remove illegal hoardings. The squad will also collect trade licence fee and advertisement tax from the businessmen, who have been evading taxes.

"According to trade licence and advertisement rules, we charge about Rs 500-Rs 4000 annually to the shop owners. We found that many business houses haven't paid the taxes and they have put up advertisements, without seeking permission from BMC. We will prepare a list of such shops. The squad will instantly collect taxes and remove the unauthorized hoardings," said BMC licencing officer Srimanta Mishra.

He said those shops, which have been given permission for putting up hoardings but have not paid taxes, would also face action. BMC in February demolished about 207 illegal shops causing congestion on roads at two different locations. While 200 illegal shops behind the Unit-II market complex were razed, seven were destroyed on the stretch between Rajmahal square and Sishu Bhawan.

"We will ensure cleaning up of the mess created by ugly signboards put up here and there by shop owners without plans. We will recommend a uniform size boards to be put up at selected locations," said BMC commissioner Sanjib Mishra.

He said irrespective of the location and sizes, all unauthorized boards would be removed and uniformed size boards would replace them. Recently, the BMC also pulled down five giant unauthorized hoardings from different places in the city.

Besides, at least Rs 40,000 was collected from shops that have been evading licence fee for putting up hoardings over their establishments.