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DC seeks report on encroachments on Pachchanady dumping yard

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The Hindu              04.10.2013

DC seeks report on encroachments on Pachchanady dumping yard

Special Correspondent

Operator asked to make solid waste dumpyard more effective and eco-friendly

The Deputy Commissioner and administrator of Mangalore City Corporation N. Prakash on Wednesday directed the town planning officials of the corporation to submit a report within a week on the encroachments on the land reserved for solid waste dumping yard and compost plant at Pachchanady.

After inspecting the plant and the yard, Mr. Prakash asked the officials to survey the land and submit him the report with the sketch, according to a release from the office of the Deputy Commissioner.

He directed officials of the company operating and maintaining both the compost plant and the sanitary land fill site to lay a pipeline from the plant to the leachate treatment unit at the sanitary land fill site within 10 days. It was to make the leachate collected at the compost plant directly flow to the treatment unit at the land fill site.

Now, the leachate collected at the compost plant was being lifted to the treatment unit using a cess pool (a machine mounted vehicle which sucks leachate).

He asked them to install one more machine at the plant, in addition to the existing one, for the speedy disposal (converting to manure) of solid waste dumped at the plant. The machines should be set up within a week. It was to prevent more accumulation of solid waste at the plant, he said.

Mr. Prakash asked the company officials to spray pesticides to control flies at the compost plant and submit a report to this effect within three days, the release said.

Plant saplings

He directed the forest department officials to plant 3,000 fast growing saplings on the borders of the land housing the compost plant.