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Water bodies: HMDA chief submits report to Lokayukta

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The Hindu              04.10.2013

Water bodies: HMDA chief submits report to Lokayukta

Special Correspondent

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority (HMDA) Commissioner Neerabh Kumar Prasad, on Thursday appeared before the Lokayukta and submitted a status report of the water bodies within HMDA limits.

This was done following the directions of the Lokayukta, which in June sought a report on all the water bodies along with the steps taken to restore them to their original size, Thakur Rajkumar Singh, co-convener, Save Our Urban Lakes (Soul) said.

Only the list of lakes was submitted and the HMDA Commissioner failed to submit the list of lost lakes and encroachments in each and every lake in Hyderabad, Mr. Singh said in a press release issued here, adding that the steps taken to protect and restore lakes in their jurisdiction were also not submitted.