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PMC resolves to register street vendors

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The Times of India             04.10.2013

PMC resolves to register street vendors

Ponda: The Ponda municipal council (PMC) at a regular meeting of the civic body held on Tuesday evening resolved to survey and register vendors carrying out business along the streets of Ponda town. The resolution was undertaken to implement the Right to Livelihood Act enacted by the Union government, PMC chairperson Radhika Nayak told TOI.

Nayak said the other resolution passed was to execute the 'Swarna Jayanti Shahari Rozgar Yojana' (Golden jubilee urban employment scheme) which would empower the women of Ponda. The self help groups (SHG) that are entitled to the scheme would be made available to financial assistance by the council through Goa sub urban development authority (GSUDA).

PMC has also constituted a committee to survey the vendors conducting their business across the town on regular basis and to register and allot them a fixed place to conduct their regular business. The vendors would be allowed to pay the sopo fees directly to the council, Nayak said.