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Many still without water meters

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The Indian Express          15.10.2013

Many still without water meters

Over a year after the Haryana urban water policy called for mandatory installation of water meters as a measure to prevent wastage of water, most people still have not got meters installed due to confusion over which authority is responsible for carrying out the directive.

On April 30, Haryana notified the state urban water policy 2012, according to which water consumers would be billed on the basis of volumetric consumption instead of flat rates.

The policy calls for mandatory installation of water meters and converting existing unmetered water connections into metered connections within a year. HUDA had approved two metering companies — Kranti and Crescent — for installation of meters in Gurgaon.

According to the data provided by these firms, only 18,000 consumers have been given metered connections in the past year.

HUDA Executive Engineer Kartar Singh said HUDA was not responsible for water works and he did not know if it was mandatory for consumers to install water meters.