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‘Green’ initiative draws municipal corporation’s ire

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The Hindu            23.10.2013

‘Green’ initiative draws municipal corporation’s ire

Nagarika Parisara Samiti president Shankar Kumbi and Karnatak Vidyavardhak Sangha officials planting saplings near KVS premises in Dharwad on Sunday.
Nagarika Parisara Samiti president Shankar Kumbi and Karnatak Vidyavardhak Sangha officials planting saplings near KVS premises in Dharwad on Sunday.

The Hubli-Dharwad Municipal Corporation (HDMC) has issued notice to the Karnatak Vidyavardhak Sangha (KVS) for allegedly damaging a footpath near its premises here.

HDMC zonal officer V. Shridhar said the notice was issued to the KVS general secretary on Monday for digging up the footpath to plant saplings without taking permission from the corporation.

The interlocking tiles were damaged at three places to plant saplings. He said the saplings could have been planted after removing an old tree on the footpath, without damaging the tiles. They also dug up the footpath at two more locations. Mr. Shridhar said KVS has been given three days to reply to the notice. Action would be initiated based on the reply.

On Sunday, the KVS, in association with the Hubli-Dharwad Nagarika Parisara Samiti, had planted saplings on the footpath adjacent to the KVS premises.

Samiti president Shankar Kumbi was involved in the planting , and a press release was issued. The footpath had been built after several demands from the public.

KVS general secretary Shankar Halagatti was unavailable for comment. When contacted, Mr. Kumbi failed to provide an explanation.