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HDMC to initiate legal action against sangha, ‘for damaging public amenities’

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The Hindu              25.10.2013

HDMC to initiate legal action against sangha, ‘for damaging public amenities’

Staff Correspondent

The Hubli-Dharwad Municipal Corporation (HDMC) is set to initiate legal action against the Karnatak Vidyavardhak Sangha (KVS) for “damaging civic amenities.”

The KVS and Hubli-Dharwad Nagarika Parisara Samiti headed by its executive committee member Shankar Kumbi came under the scanner for damaging a footpath adjacent to the KVS premises while planting saplings on Sunday. In this connection HDMC issued a show-cause notice to the KVS general secretary and gave three days’ time to reply.

HDMC zonal officer V. Shridhar said KVS replied on Thursday but failed to furnish correct explanation for damaging the footpath. In their reply they conceded that the pit was dug on the footpath illegally. At the same time they tried to defend themselves saying that there were trees planted on footpath on other locations of the city.

“This reply makes no sense. The trees planted on other footpaths were there much before the footpaths were constructed; HDMC saved them while constructing the footpath. This, however, does not mean that the existing footpath can be dug up to plant saplings,” he said.

Last move

Mr. Shridhar added that HDMC would issue one more letter to KVS asking them to reconstruct the footpath and shift the trees on their own. Otherwise, HDMC would take up the footpath reconstruction works and recover the expenses from KVS. The monetary loss caused by damaging the footpath has yet to be ascertained.

HDMC is concerned for the environment, but is it right to damage civic amenities in this manner? he asked. Mr. Shridhar stated that HDMC was compelled to initiate legal action against KVS in this regard, lest it encourage others to damage civic amenities “in the name of saving the environment.”