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PMC to call off projects okayed by former mayor

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The Indian Express              01.11.2013

PMC to call off projects okayed by former mayor

The civic administration has decided to call off the development works proposed by former mayor Vaishali Bankar. Controversy had erupted when Banker — after she resigned but was yet to hand over charge — said projects worth Rs 5 crore should be undertaken to exhaust the mayoral fund.

"I have received communication from the municipal commissioner's office that the development projects proposed by former mayor after she resigned have been cancelled. This will make funds available to me from reserved budgetary allocation for the mayor," said Mayor Chanchala Kodre. She said the civic administration has clarified that the proposed development works, which are yet to start or await administrative approval, will be called off.

Bankar said, "The municipal commissioner has the power to take a decision on it, so I cannot say much."

A PMC official said the municipal commissioner's order could spell trouble for them. "If a contractor has started work on the assurance of the civic department head that he will be issued the work order later, there will be a problem. Many times, the civic department heads — to please the elected representatives — urge contractors to start work before the work order is issued," he said, adding that the contractor will now seek reimbursement of money spent from corporators and civic officials.

The issue of mayor's fund getting exhausted in the first six months of the financial year came under discussion after Bankar pushed development works worth Rs 5 crore after resigning and holding charge till the appointment of a new mayor.

Bankar was asked to step down before completing the 30-month term as per the party arrangement to give opportunity to another corporator. She held the post for around 18 months, including the first six months of the current financial year.

A provision of Rs 5 crore is made in every year's budget as mayoral fund, which helps the incumbent take up development work in the city. The same was done in the budget estimate for financial year 2013-14, but by the time Kodre took over, the funds had been used up by Bankar.

Thus, Kodre requested the civic administration to make arrangements for funds for her to take up development work of her choice and the civic administration had to divert funds meant for the infrastructure development in 23 merged villages.